Thursday, March 26, 2015


Hello gamers!

I recently finished up some armor for my collection. All the models depicted are 1/48 scale Revell Combat Crushers. They are $10 snap tite kits marketed to kids that can be turned into some real gems if you give them some time and love.

First up is the US Shermans. These were given a flat OD Green paint job, followed by a light spray of a lighter green to break up the OD. The camo netting is a rubber shelf liner (Which I bought for $1) cut into pieces and sprayed green. The foliage is a mix of Clump Foliage, Tufts, and Oregano. The mud is Brown Paint mixed with Baking Soda to a tooth paste consistency. Slather it on and let it dry, then brush on some Army Painter Quick Shade to add some color. Anyway, here they are:

The German Tanks were done with a clean coat of Panzer Dunkelgelb followed by stripes of Dunkelgrun and Dunkelolive. I added a brown wash to pop out some details, and glued clump foliage all over them, which I do with all my German vehicles. I still have to give the German tanks the mud treatment and paint the commander. Here they are:

All in all, I really love these Combat Crusher kits. For 10 bucks (US) a pop, you can't beat the value for 28mm vehicles. They lack some finer detail to be sure, but with a little work you can get some pretty amazing results for very little money spent.

Let me know what you think!


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