Monday, April 6, 2015

Destroyed Tank Markers and Tree Stands

Hello gamers! My wife was very sick (still is) on Easter Sunday so I stayed home to take care of her. Between changing her bucket (yuck) and getting her Ginger Ale I managed to get some small projects done. The first one is Explosion Markers which I use to signify knocked out vehicles. There isn't any need for a tutorial since the process is fairly straightforward. Simply stretch out some cotton balls and glue them around a Tea Light. Done. Not bad considering the Tea Lights are two for a dollar.

 Next up is the Tree Stands. I used to base my trees individually, but I found it quite a bother because they were always falling over and they never looked "dense" enough. I figured I'd try basing two or three at a time on blank CDs, and adding some bushes and rocks. I like the end result a lot. They certainly make laying woods out a lot easier. The bases blend well enough to not cause an eyesore but also give a clear picture of where the "cover" from the woods ends. Here's some pics:

I like these a lot and they were dirt cheap to make. I didn't do a tutorial but it's pretty self explanatory. Flock the CD. Glue on the rocks, trees, and clump foliage. Sprinkle some flock on the trees and bushes. Done ;]
Let me know what you think here or on TMP!